I was so angry when I found out that my son was busted for underage drinking. The official charge was possession, and he had to take a 16 Hour Minor in Posession Class in order to fulfil his court ordered sentence. He had to take a 12 hour class and I am so thankful that there was a way to do this online. Even though the city offered their own class, I just did not have the resources to get him there for it. I am a single, working mother and I just don't have a lot of spare time. Maybe if I had more, my son would not have gotten into the trouble that he did. He did learn a lot from the online class, and I think he finally sees how his actions don't affect just him, but the 3 of us. I had to pay for the class out of my own pocket which meant that his sister didn't get to go on a class trip since I had to use that money. We are taking this one day a time, but those classes have really made a difference!