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I was ordered to take an alcohol and drug awareness class by a judge. I had two DUI convictions in two years. Yes, I clearly had a problem. I was getting help but it was a struggle. I had a hard time quitting drinking. For awhile I would just give the keys to my car to my neighbor and drink at home. It was bad. One night I ran out of beer and found a spare key I had forgotten about. That was my second conviction. I have been sober since. I have to go through these classes, but I am glad they are available online. A friend of mine who does not drink told me that he took the same class as part of his employment. His employer made all of the employees take drug and alcohol awareness classes online. He said he used to drink but stopped some time back before we met. I need to be able to keep saying that I don't drink anymore either.

Tags: dui convictions| maintaining sobriety with alcohol awareness classes| 24 hour alcohol awareness course| support with staying sober
24 hour drug and alcohol awareness class| alcohol awareness classes| alcohol classes