When our teenage daughter got caught drinking by the parents of one of her friends, my husband and I decided that something needed to be done to make sure that it did not happen again. Before the incident we had no idea that she was drinking. We did however know that if she got caught once she could get caught again. Instead of letting the problem get worse we decided that she needed to take an online minor in possession course to learn about the dangers of underage drinking. It was important to us that she see just how serious of a problem that it was. Since she was taking the class online she was able to schedule it around her school classes so that she would not fall behind. We never had another incident of her drinking after she completed her course, and we both believe that she learned her lesson.
mip classes| underage drinking| dangers of alcohol abuse| teenage alcohol use
16 hour minor in possession classes| 8 hour minor in possession classes| alcohol awareness classes| alcohol classes| minor in possession classes