I am in so much trouble. I have to take Minor-In-Possession classes per a court ruling after I was caught a few weeks ago with a couple boxes of beer in my car. I was unlucky enough to run into a traffic stop on my way home from work and am not quite 21 yet. I had the beer in my car because I was planning on taking it to a party that one of my friends was holding. I guess it might be for the best, because now that I have gotten in trouble for having possession of the alcohol illegally, no one else will be able to get in trouble with that beer. I guess that is one way of looking at it, but I am really just hoping that I will be ale to complete these classes without too much of a hassle, and then that I will be able to just move on with my life. I don't think I will have anything to do with alcohol again until I am actually old enough to drink.
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