My girlfriend has had a bit of a drinking problem for most of her life. She says that it is just something she likes to do and that it is not an addiction, but I beg to differ. While under the influence of aclohol she managed to slam her truck into four parked cars. As a result she was sentenced to perform some community service, pay some fines and attend a 16 hour level 2 alcohol awareness class. She balked at the sentence, but I told her that she is very lucky that the judge did not decide that she would be better off spending some time in the county jail. So far she has completed most of the community service and she has paid a little more than half of the fines. She has yet to start the alcohol classes because she says she is having a hard time finding one in the area that does not conflict with her work schedule. I told her about online classes and she is going to get the judge's approval so she can get this behind her.